The Power of Planetary Days: An Ancient Astrological Tool

Aug 16, 2023
a medieval woodcut showing personifications of the seven planets illustrating the seven days of the week

Discovering the Astrological Origins of Our Weekdays

Did you know that the foundation of our modern seven-day week lies in astrology? The ancient system of Planetary Days connects the days of the week with the energies of celestial bodies. Let's explore how you can use this tool to align your daily activities with the unique influence of each planet.



Exploring the Hierarchy of Planetary Influences

In traditional astrology, the seven-day week is deeply intertwined with the energies of seven celestial bodies, the five planets and two luminaries. In ancient times, the naked eye guided our understanding of the cosmos. Before Galileo's revolutionary telescope, we recognized only five visible planets – this is key to unlocking the mysteries of planetary days.


Harnessing the Energies of Planetary Days

Each of the classical planets has its dedicated day, resonating with the unique energy of that planet. By tapping into this energy, you can enrich your daily experience. Consider incorporating planetary days to align with specific intentions and energies. Let's explore the specific energies associated with each planetary day:


Monday: Nurturing Self and Creativity

Infuse your Monday with self-care, creativity, and relaxation to honour the Moon's energy.

Suggested Moon-Day activities would be meal prep, wellness routines, heart-to-heart conversations, spending time with family, taking care of your heart and emotions, taking private time, calling your mom.


Tuesday: Action and Productivity

Use Tuesday to tackle tasks, take bold actions, and channel Mars' dynamic energy.

Suggested Mars Day activities would be vigorous work-outs, launches, self-defense or martial arts, asserting your needs, taking action.


Wednesday: Effective Communication

Optimize communication and handle tasks efficiently, aligning with Mercury's influence.

Suggested Mercury Day activities could include marketing, dealing with electronics, purchasing tickets, getting your car fixed, dispatching packages, working magic, writing and communicating, organizing, doing errands and making short trips, playing games or spending time with kids.


Thursday: Learning and Expansion

Embrace learning, teaching, and personal growth on Thursday, resonating with Jupiter's expansive energy.

Suggested Jupiter Day activities would be teaching, religious practices, meditation, planning long-distance travel, studying, visiting your guru or teacher.


Friday: Relationships and Beauty

Friday, the day of Venus, offers a perfect opportunity to focus on relationships, beauty, balance, and values.

Suggested Venus Day activities would be caring for your money, eating delicious food, beautifying your surroundings, enjoying nature and art, attending to relationship issues, making love, getting beauty services.


Saturday: Discipline and Structure

Saturn's Day calls for disciplined work, boundaries, and the establishment of structures.

Suggested Saturn Day activities

This is the day to take responsibility for all the stuff that didn't get done during the week! It's a great day for planning and making commitments.


Sunday: Spiritual Rejuvenation

End your week with spiritual connection and relaxation, aligning with the Sun's vitality.

Suggested Sun Day activities: Take time for creativity, literally get out in the sun, take time for pleasure and enjoyment, work with the energies of the sign of your natal Sun.



Incorporating Planetary Days into Your Routine

Integrating planetary days into your daily life can bring surprising shifts to your weekly dynamics. I find that my work goes much more smoothly when it's aligned with the planetary days. While aligning your entire week with planetary energies might not always be feasible, you can make subtle adjustments that resonate with these influences.


Personal Empowerment through Planetary Alignment

Connect your birth chart with planetary days to identify your personal power days. By understanding the ruling planets of your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, you can tailor your activities to amplify your strengths and potential. If you plan your most important activities for the days belonging to your strongest planet, you will immediately create more ease and alignment in your life. For instance, My Moon and Venus are the power planets in my chart. The Moon is powerfully placed at 0º Cancer, and Venus is highly dignified and rules my natal Sun. I try to do mu most important planning and creative work on Mondays and Fridays to honour these two ruling planets. If you're not sure what the strongest planets in your chart are, you can begin by working with the rulers of your Sun and Moon.


This system is deceptively simple! But by harmonizing your activities with the planetary energies, you can unlock your potential and navigate life's journey with a deeper sense of ease, awareness, and empowerment. 

Bronwyn Simons, Predictive Astrologer and Astrology Mentor at Bronwyn Simons Astrology

The Planetary Days are just one tool we use in astrological planning. You can set yourself up for greater success professionally and personally by layering techniques of astrological planning, from using the Moon phases to aligning with longer term planetary cycles. We explore these techniques in depth in my program Success Cycles: Astrology for Career and Business Success

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