Success Cycles:

Astrology for Your Best Life

Discover my four secret strategies for succeeding with money, work, life, and business, using astrology!

Use the secrets of astrology to shape your own uniquely successful life, in alignment with divine right timing.

Create flow, ease, and confidence in your life and planning
using the secret skill of co-regulating with natural cycles.
Yes! Purchase Now for $152USD


The tools I share in this training have transformed my experience of work, and allowed my life and business to flourish on my terms. 


I'll teach you to create your own cosmic blueprint for success, using the secret skill of co-regulating with natural cycles.

Live Round and 10 Day Success Cycles

Challenge in June/July 2024!


If you purchase today you'll get instant access to the recorded modules, and you'll have the opportunity to participate (at no extra cost) in our Live 10 Day Challenge from June 25th-July 5th 2024 to implement what you learn in Success Cycles!

Hello lovely hard-working human,

It was ironic… or hypocritical? And definitely embarrassing. When I launched my astrology business, I was using concepts of natural time, flow, and forecasting with the luminaries every day in my work with clients and students, but was not yet using these magical strategies as I worked on my own business.

I was using the magic of astrological timing in my business, but not on my business. Like so many of us who run online businesses, I struggled with

  • Planning and goal setting
  • Effective time management
  • Focus
  • Setting boundaries; with myself and with clients
  • Finding time for rest and self-care
  • Avoiding burn-out
  • Balancing work and home life
  • Knowing when to stop

I found that I was always asking myself “Is this the right time to X”? X being anything from launching a new course to taking a vacation. But I had no format for finding the answer.

I didn’t want to build my soul-centred business on a soul-sucking corporate model, but without any structure, I either over-worked or let opportunities pass by because I didn’t “have time”.

Eventually - later in my business growth than I care to admit - I reached a breaking point. It was only as I started to teeter on the edge of burnout that the very (embarrassingly) obvious answer came to me.

I was literally an expert on timing, cycles, and forecasting. I just needed to apply my expertise to my own business!

Fast forward to today, after a few years of using simple astrological timing techniques in my business and life, I'm succeeding and flourishing, because I can:

  • Anticipate and prepare for times of low and peak energy throughout the year
  • Confidently plan years ahead, because I understand the long term growth cycles of my biz
  • Choose the right season, month, and day to launch, every time.
  • Focus on the right thing at the right time
  • Structure my weeks for maximum productivity and focus
  • Avoid burnout: Plan my months according to a natural, balanced cycle of rest and work
  • Know when to press send for the most positive response
  • Transform my relationship to time: make time a friend, not a bully

Create your unique cosmic blueprint for success!

Give Me Instant Access for $152USD

What You Will Get

I will take you step by step through each of the five simple astrological timing tools I use to create success with timing and flow.

  • Four individual Learning Modules, one for each tool
  • One Bonus Module on planning your weeks with the Planetary Days
  • PDF workbook
  • 2023 Moon Calendar and New Moon Journaling Pages
  • BONUS: optional membership in my client/student only community, The Moon Circle
  • Admission to any future Live Rounds of the training

Don't worry, no previous astrological knowledge is required!



Four Learning Modules:

Module One

Learn to work with the Lunar Cycle to choose the best times throughout the month for action and rest.

Module Two

Understand the unique energy flow of your personal Solar Year. When are your seasons of expansion, creativity, rest and work?

Module Three

Learn to harness years of expansion, ride years favorable for risk, and predict years of economic contraction with your personal Jupiter Cycle. 

Module Four

Learn how create a legacy and a secure future with your personal Saturn cycle.

I will teach you to take your planning and time management from constructed chaos to natural flow.

Create flow, ease, and confidence in your time management and planning using the secret skill of co-regulating with natural cycles.

Yes! Purchase Now for $152USD

What Bronwyn's students and clients are saying:

Your Mentor & Guide

Bronwyn Simons is an award-winning predictive astrologer, psychic medium, dream traveller, mentor, and astrology teacher with a worldwide client base and a busy consulting practice. She is beloved by clients and students for her warm, wise, compassionate, and positive style of sharing. She's an earthy Taurus with a highly intuitive Cancer Moon, and a Scorpio chart signature. Her style is practical and embodied, with deep roots in the mystery of the Otherworld. After 40+ years of study and practice, she is truly a master of the esoteric arts.

Success Cycles:

Astrology for Your Best Life

Discover my five secret strategies for succeeding with money, work, life, and business, using astrology!

Yes! Purchase Now for $152USD