$2,699.00 USD

Gestational Cycle Astrology Package

A Full Cycle of Support for Growth and Rebirth over Time

Nine months is a full gestational cycle, a beautiful container for whatever you want to birth, and whatever work is most relevant and healing for you in this season. We meet monthly around the same Moon phase. A full gestational cycle provides:

  • A crucible for transformation
  • Support during a major season of change.
  • The opportunity to get really intimate with your chart
  • Time to examine all the major life cycles that brought you to the here and now
  • Time to explore natal energy flow, your progressed chart, your major outer planet cycles, and retrograde cycles of Venus and Mars, all to better understand repeating patterns and recurring mythic stories of your life.

I work with only a few clients a year in this format, and every client’s journey is unique. The feedback I hear most is about support, validation, comfort, self-knowledge, gentle transformation, and hope. This is exactly what I strive to bring to this really special offering.

Package clients get priority access to my calendar.

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