Deep River Blues: A Masterclass in Navigating Saturn in Pisces
Saturn, master of time and boundaries, will travel the timeless, dissolving waters of Pisces until 2025.
How will you carry yourself across that deep river?
Masterclass with Astrologer Bronwyn Simons
Instant Access
Instant Access NowSaturn is in Pisces from 2023 to 2025, bringing a sea-change to our life structures.
You'll experience this sea-change in your own life, and in the world around you. This Masterclass will prepare you to navigate the opportunities and challenges of this once-in-thirty-year transit.

Some Thoughts on Navigating Saturn in Pisces
For a few months now I have been sketching one image in my planner again and again, and it is a deep sea bed and far far above it, a waterline with high waves, and on top of the high waves a tiny little boat.
And this is how I've been feeling: like I'm tired of the hull of my boat scratching and scraping against that rocky bottom and I'm ready to be buoyed up.
I'm ready to be held by depths even if they are dark and beyond where I can drop my plumb line, even if they hide mysterious creatures and powerful undercurrents.

I'm ready. I'm ready to be held by that mysterious ocean. I'm ready to stop scraping and scrambling. I'm ready to embark.
I'm ready to float.
Over the last couple of months I've also noticed I want to dance again. I want to spend more time drifting. I want to get lost in music.
I want to plunge into the ocean even though it is very, very cold.
I believe all of this is my energetic anticipation and preparation for the transit of Saturn through Pisces.

I was born with Saturn in Pisces; this will be my second Saturn Return.
The last time Saturn was in Pisces, I started dancing professionally. I fell in love with my husband. I reawakened dormant oracular abilities.
I also lost track of time a lot left many important things unfinished and impulsively dissolved a number of life structures that maybe could have endured to support me for longer.
One of the primary developmental calls of a Saturn Return is the taking stock, the clear eyed assessment of our levels of maturity our ability to create nurturing structures for ourselves, and an acknowledgement of the places we have failed as well as the places we have endured survived and triumphed.

I'm looking forward to this transit with its poetry, its fluid movement, Its deep dream times, its softening of the structures that hold us,
its promise of a tide to lift all our boats off that scratchy abrasive gravel at the bottom.
This transit can soften your edges and open you to the depths. It can make of you a poet, a dancer, and an oracle.
It can connect you with the timeless realms, and grant you the power to dissolve old calcifications.
This transit will make poets and oracles, this transit will also make martyrs, depressives, and lost souls.
We've been in spare and rocky territory with Saturn for the last six years as he's navigated his places of rulership, Capricorn and Aquarius.
The tidal flow of Pisces entering those rocky places can be welcome, but is always a little startling.

The craft
that we build to float on those tides
is everything.
This is Saturn in Pisces.
Saturn in Pisces is the master boat builder. It's the ability to create an
ark to lift us on these cosmic waves.
Boatbuilding is a really specialized craft. It's all about bends and curves and softness.
Then also about imperviousness.
So our work in preparing for this transit is the work of the master boat builder,
and the time for that work is now.
The tools I share in this Masterclass are both mystical and practical.
As the great teacher and Lord of Time, Saturn, moves through the sign of the Cosmic Ocean, Pisces, we have the opportunity to flourish spiritually and creatively.
But first we must master the challenges of this rare transit.
Join me for this online event and learn to flourish on every level through this strange and beautiful time.
What You Will Get
In this Mastercalss we'll explore the symbolic and archetypal nature of Saturn in Pisces. We'll take a historical view of other periods of Saturn in Pisces and do some forecasting about the current transit, and we'll explore what this transit means for you, according to you unique natal chart.
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What Bronwyn's students and clients are saying:

Who is this Masterclass for?
Is this Masterclass just for people having their Saturn Return?
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Your Mentor & Guide
Bronwyn Simons is an award-winning predictive astrologer, psychic medium, dream traveller, mentor, and astrology teacher with a worldwide client base and a busy consulting practice. She is beloved by clients and students for her warm, wise, compassionate, and positive style of sharing. She's an earthy Taurus with a highly intuitive Cancer Moon, and a Scorpio chart signature. Her style is practical and embodied, with deep roots in the mystery of the Otherworld. After 40+ years of study and practice, she is truly a master of the esoteric arts.